Jas Mangat is a Vancouver criminal defence lawyer that has extensive experience dealing with all types of assault matters across British Columbia. If you have been charged with an assault it is important to consult with a criminal defence lawyer. A conviction for assault can result in you having a criminal record, not being able to see to your loved ones and perhaps even result in you losing your job.



Assault can be charged in various formats, depending on the seriousness of the assault. The most common types of assault are:

Simple Assault- this involves the non-consensual application of force. This can involve a street fight or any application of force from one person to another without their consent.

Assault Causing Bodily Harm- this involves an assault that involves bodily harm which is "more than merely transient or trifling in nature".

Assault With a Weapon- this involves an assault that involves a weapon. A weapon can be any object that can be used as a weapon. For example, it can involve the door of a motor vehicle if it is being used as a weapon.

Aggravated Assault- this involves an assault where there is an intention to wound, maim, disfigure or endanger the life of the victim.



Domestic assault can be charges as any of the above types of assault. It is designated a “k” file and is charged when the assault occurs on a spouse, common law partner, boyfriend/girlfriend, parent, child or any other family member.

Domestic assault charges are usually forwarded by the police to Crown Counsel in situations where an assault has occurred between two very close individuals. The police have a mandatory arrest policy in regards to domestic assaults and the Crown almost always approves these charges. Domestic assault charges often involve very stringent bail conditions that involve a “no contact” or “no go” to the victim/complainant. This can make many family situations very complicated because the individual charged would not be able to contribute to the family anymore. These charges also usually trigger Ministry of Children and Family Development investigations if children are involved.

These charges are to be taken very seriously and can have a significant impact on your life. It is very important that you receive sound legal advice in regards to these matters.

 If you have been charged with any type of assault, contact Vancouver criminal defence lawyer Jas Mangat at 1-604-896-0422 for your free 30 minute in office consultation.